Sunrise on the Reaping Midnight Release
18th Mar @ Berkelouw Paddington

Berkelouw Books Paddington is thrilled to be partnering with Scholastic, to give you a chance to be the first in Australia to get your hands on Sunrise on the Reaping by Suzanne Collins. Join us at 10:00pm on Tuesday 18 March as we kick off celebrations and countdown to a midnight release of the book. Books will be available from 12:01am on Wednesday 19 March.
There will be plenty of fun, giveaways and Hunger Games merchandise! More details to follow shortly.
This event is free but RSVPs are essential.
Where: 19 Oxford Street, Paddington, 2021, Sydney, AU
Starts: Tue, 18th Mar @ 10:00 PM
Ends: Wed, 19th Mar @ 12:30 AM
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(02) 9360 3200