A Collection of 6 reprints on Mosquitoes in Queensland. (1). Notes on the Breeding Habits of Culex Fatigans Wied. and its Associated Mosquitoes in Queensland.

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Brisbane 1928. Roy. 8vo. Or. printed wrapper stapled as issued. (Previous owner's signature and small rubber stamp on front cover: Rear cover slightly defective). (12pp.). With 2 full-page plates small rubber stamp on first page. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland Vol. XL. No. 8. Issued 26th Nov. 1928 pp91-103; (2). The Relative Value of Larval Destructors and Part they play in Mosquito Control in Queensland. Brisbane 1929. Roy. 8vo. Or. printed wrapper stapled as issued. (Previous owner's signature and small rubber stamp on front cover). (16pp.). With 8 full-page plates. Small rubber stamp on top of first page. Reprinted from Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland Vol. XLI No. 3. July 1929. pp24-38; (3). The consideration of certain Factors as Potentialities in Mosquitoe Control in Australia. Brisbane 1930. Roy. 8vo. Or. printed wrapper. (Previous owner's signature and small rubber stamp on front cover). (22pp.). With 2 full-page plates and diagrams. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland. Vol. XLII No. 10. Nov. 1930. pp86-105; (4). Some Ecological Factors involved in the Dispersal of Mosquitoes in Queensland. Lond. 1933. Roy. 8vo. Or. printed wrapper. (Previous owner's signature and with the Author's complements on top of the front cover). (4pp.). With a full-page plate. Reprinted from the Bulletin of Entomological Research Vol. XXIV Part 2. July 1933. pp229-232; (5). The Elimination of Aedes Argenteus Poiret as a Factor in Dengue Control in Queensland. Liverpool n.d. Sm. 4to .Or. printed wrapper stapled as issued. (Previous owner's signature with the Author's complements and small rubber stamp on front cover). (10pp.). Small rubber stamp on first page. Reprinted from the Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology Vol. XXV No. 1. March 31 1931. pp21-29; (6). Some Further Observations on Chara Fragilis in Relation to Mosquitoe Breeding in Queensland. Liverpool. n.d. Sm. 4to. Or. printed wrapper. (Previous owner's signature and small rubber stamp on front cover). (6pp.). Small rubber stamp on frist page. Reprinted from the annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology Vol. XXVI No. 4 December 16 1932 pp519-524.
Book details and technical specifications
Stock No.: 187526
Published: not specified
Number of pages: not specified
Width: not specified
Height: not specified
Depth: not specified
Publisher: not specified