An Authentic and Interesting Narrative of the late Expedition to Botany Bay as performed by Commodore Phillips and the Fleet of the Seven Transport Ships under his Command:

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This is a rare or used book from the Berkelouw Rare Books Department.
Containing A circumstantial Account of their perillous Voyage Dissentions on Board and safe Arrival on the Coast of New Holland. With particular descriptions of Jackon's Bay & Lord Howe's Island The Reception they met with from the Natives their Customs and Manners; Progress of the Settlement and Laws and Government established for their further Improvement. Wrtten by an Officer just returned in the Prince of Wales Transport who visited that Spot with Captain Cook and Dr. Solander in their celebrated Voyage round the world. (Sydney 1978). Sm. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Gilt title along spine. (IV 43 3pp.). With 2 plates. Fine. Edition lim. to 800 copies only. Facsimile reprint of Aberdeen 1789 edition. (Library of Australian History Facsimile Series No. 12).
Book details and technical specifications
Stock No.: 213777
Published: 1978
Number of pages: not specified
Width: not specified
Height: not specified
Depth: not specified
Publisher: not specified