Gnomologia. Poetarum Omnium Seculorum facile Principis. Duplici Parallelismo illustrata; ... Quibus Mantissae loco accessit Appendix. Continen Syllogen Testimoniorum de Homero ex variis Autoribus qua Neotericis collectam.

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This is a rare or used book from the Berkelouw Rare Books Department.
Per Jacobum Duportum. ... Cambridge 1660. Square 8vo. Original full sheep binding (hinges split but holding and binding vey worn). (xl 292. 100pp.). With frontispiece and an extensive index and appendix. Extremely rare. NOTE: James Dupont (1606-1679) was born at Cambridge educated at Westminster and at Trinity College where he later became fellow and subsequently vicemaster. In 1639 he was appointed regius professor of Greek in 1664 dean of Peterborough and in 1668 master of Magdalene College. "Bishop Monk says that Duport appears to have been the main instrument by which literature was upheld in this university (Cambridge) during the civil dissentions in the seventeenth century and though seldom named and little known at present he enjoyed an almost transcedent reputation for a great length of time among his contemporaries as well as the generation which immediately succeeded". DNB. Duport published eleven works of which his best known and most deservedly esteemed work is the item here offered. Homeri Gnomologia consists of a collection of all the sentences in the 'Iliad' and 'Odyssey' containing any aphorism sentiment or remarkable opinion illustrated by a two fold series of quotation first from the scriputres and next from the whole range of classical authors.
Book details and technical specifications
Stock No.: 188817
Published: 1660
Number of pages: not specified
Width: not specified
Height: not specified
Depth: not specified
Publisher: not specified