Illustrations of Political Economy. Nos I-XIV in 5 vols. ... (I: Life in the Wilds; II: Hill and the Valley; III: Brooke and Brooke Farm; IV: Demerara; V: Ella of Garveloch; VI: Weal and Woe in Garveloch; VII: A Manchester Strike;

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VIII: Cousin Marshall; IX: Ireland; X: Homes Abroad; XI: For Each and For All; XII: French Wines and Politics; XIII: The Charmed Sea; XIV: Berkeley the Banker Pts 1-2). London: Charles Fox 1832-1833. 12mo. Orig. half calf over marbled paper boards. Spines (slightly rubbed) with contrasting titling-labels. Fine. NOTE: Harriet Martineau (1802-1876) the English novelist & economist was the precursor of the 'women's movement' including the obtaining of the right to vote for women in England.
Book details and technical specifications
Stock No.: 216590
Published: 1832-1833
Number of pages: not specified
Width: not specified
Height: not specified
Depth: not specified
Publisher: not specified