In Octo Physicorum Aristotelis libros commentaria ex Vetustissimo ac Fidissimo manu scripto exemplari nuper diligentissime castigata & locis quamplurimis restituta: Cum duplici textus tralatione antiqua & Argyropoli recognis.

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This is a rare or used book from the Berkelouw Rare Books Department.
Ad haec accessit Roberti Linconiensis in eosden Summa. ....Venice: Hieronymum Scotum 1564. F'scap folio. Later full vellum. (xvi pp. index and 186 numbered pages totalling 372 pp. printed in double column). With engrv. title-vignette dec. initials engrv. colophon and num. text-figs. Fine. NOTE: Scotus issued a series of Aristotelian commentaries including works by Philippus Zaphirus (1568) and another by Thomas de Vio Cajetanus (1599). This particular volume contains Aquinas's commentaries on Aristotle's physical writings and is quite handsomely printed. Thomas Aquinas (1223-1274) was born to an aristocratic family living in Roccasecca Italy. He joined the Dominican Order while studying philosophy and theology at Naples and later pursued additional studies in Paris and Koln where he was exposed to Aristotelean thought by Albert the Great and William of Moerbeke. Although he wrote many commentaries on the works of Aristotle and a comprehensive Summa Contra Gentiles (1259-1264) Aquinas's unfinished Summa Theologica (1265-1273) represents the most complete statement of his philosophical system and it has had a profound influence over Catholic theology ever since. The sections of greatest theological significance include his views on the nature of God including the five ways to prove God's existence and his exposition of natural law. (G. Kemerling).
Book details and technical specifications
Stock No.: 240181
Published: 1564
Number of pages: not specified
Width: not specified
Height: not specified
Depth: not specified
Publisher: not specified