Ionn Fenelli ambiana Universa Medicina. Primium quidem studio & diligentia Guiljelmi Plantii Cennomanni elimata. Nunc autem notis observationibus & remedis secretis Ionn. & Othonis Heurni Ultraject. et Aliorum Praestantibimorum Medicorum scholiis

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This is a rare or used book from the Berkelouw Rare Books Department.
illustrata. Cvi Accedvnt Casus & observationes rariores Quas Cl. D. D. Otho Heurnius ... 2 vols. Traiecti ad Rhenum (Utretcht): Typis Gisberti a Zijll & Theordori ab Ackrsdijck 1656. 4to. Contemporary calf (spine extremities & corner points worn). Spines gilt with raised bands and morocco titling-labels. With frontispiece to Vol. I and 2 engrv. title-vignettes. Printed in double-column. Contents fine and complete. NOTE: French physician astronomer and mathematician also known as 'the modern Galen' Jean Fernel 1497-1558 was one of the greatest contemporaries of the famous Renaissan physician Paracelcus. Born in Amiens he became Professor of Medicine in Paris and physician to Henri II of France. He played an important part in loosening the long-standing hold of Galen on medical thought providing an important treatise on physiology (1542) and the first systematic essay on pathology (1554) in which he methodically discusses the diseases of each organ. Indeed he invented the term 'physiology' and 'pathology' and his writings here collected remained the standard text for two centuries.
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Stock No.: 240288
Published: not specified
Number of pages: not specified
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Publisher: not specified