Spectacle de la Nature; or Nature Display'd being Discources on such Particulars of Natural History As were thought most proper to Excite the Curiousity and Form the Minds of Youth.

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This is a rare or used book from the Berkelouw Rare Books Department.
Illustrated with copper plates. Translated from the Original French by Mr. Humphries. London: J. and J. Pemberton ... 1736. 8vo. Orig. full calf. Spine with raised bands and red titling-label. (xiii v 196 208 16pp.). With 25 mostly fold. engrv. plates. Title-page printed in red/black.
Book details and technical specifications
Stock No.: 240338
Published: 1736
Number of pages: not specified
Width: not specified
Height: not specified
Depth: not specified
Publisher: not specified