The Dawn of Australian Psychiatry. An account of measures taken for the care of mental invalids from the time of the First Fleet 1788 to the year 1850 including a survey of the overseas background and the case notes of Dr. F. Campbell.

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(Glebe NSW: Australian Medical Association) 1968. Roy. 8vo. Orig. green cloth with gilt titling. (220pp.). With b/w illusts. (Australian Medical Association Mervyn Archdall Medical Monograph Number 4). NOTE: John Bostock played an important role in Australian Psychiatry and was a founding fellow of both the Royal Australian College of Physicians and The Australasian Association of Psychiatrists.
Book details and technical specifications
Stock No.: 252109
Published: 1968
Number of pages: not specified
Width: not specified
Height: not specified
Depth: not specified
Publisher: not specified