The Sea; Its History and Romance. 4 vols. (Vol. I: to 1697; Vol. II: 1698-1783; Vol. III: 1784-1814; Vol. IV: 1815-1875).

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This is a rare or used book from the Berkelouw Rare Books Department.
London: Halton & Truscott Smith Ltd. n.d. (circa 1930). 4to. Orig. illust. cloth (spine extremities frayed). Gilt. With num. plates many of which are col. and text-illusts. Previous owner's bookplate on front endpaper of each volume. Plate opp. p. 154 in Vol. I repaired; closed tear to edge of p. 268 in Vol. IV; occasional foxing.
Book details and technical specifications
Stock No.: 230206
Published: c.1930
Number of pages: not specified
Width: not specified
Height: not specified
Depth: not specified
Publisher: not specified