Rare Agriculture Books
Displaying books 201 - 220 of 479 in total
The Complete Grazier and Farmer's and Cattle-Breeder's Assistant. A Compendium of Husbandry ... 14th ed. ...by William Fream.
Published: 1877
Stock No. 240571
$350.00 Online price

$500.00 Online price

Heavy Rainfall as a Stochastic Process by G.N. Alexander. ...Presented at Institution of Engineers Australia Hydrology Symposium on Floods. Sydney August 1968.
Published: 1968
Stock No. 240135
$25.00 Online price

A Month in the Bush of Australia. Journal of one of a party of gentlemen who recently travelled from Sydney to Port Philip. With some remarks on the present state of the farming establishments and society in the settled parts of the Argyle Country.
Published: 1965
Stock No. 238428
$50.00 Online price

Special Report on the History and Present Condition of the Sheep Industry of the United States. Prepared under the Direction of Dr. D.E. Salmon.
Published: 1892
Stock No. 237496
$200.00 Online price

$40.00 Online price

$100.00 Online price

$65.00 Online price

Coral Gardens and Their Magic. A Study of the Methods of Tilling the Soil and of Agriculture Rites in the Trobriand Islands. 2 vols. (Vol. 1: The description of gardening; Vol. 2: The language of magic and gardening).
Published: 1935
Stock No. 236344
$385.00 Online price

Long Ago is Far Away: Accounts of the early exploration and settlement of the Papuan Gulf Area.
Published: 1979
Stock No. 235000
$60.00 Online price

Notice sur la Nouvelle-Caledonie ses richesses son avenir. Redigee pout L'Exposition Universelle de 1900.
Published: 1900
Stock No. 235288
$50.00 Online price

An Account of the Cape of Good Hope; containing An Historical View of its original Settlement by the Dutch its Capture by the British in 1795 and the different Policy pursued there by the Dutch and British Governments. Also a sketch of its geography...
Published: 1804
Stock No. 235220
$750.00 Online price

An Account of the State of Agriculture & Grazing in New South Wales; Including Observations on the Soils and General Appearance of the Country and some of its most useful natural productions;
Published: 1826
Stock No. 235156
$6,000.00 Online price