Rare Aborigines Books
Displaying books 421 - 440 of 740 in total
Unter Menschenfressern. Eine vierjahrige Reise in Australien. Autorisirte deutsche Uebersetzung.
Published: 1892
Stock No. 234069
$450.00 Online price

Sudseestudien - Etudes Sur L'Oceanie - South Seas Studies. Gedenkschrift Zur Erinnerung an Felix Speiser. Herausgegeben von Museum fur Volkerkunde und Schweizerischen Museum fur Volkskunde Basel.
Published: 1951
Stock No. 234067
$175.00 Online price

Australian Legendary Tales. Folk-lore of the Noongaburrahs as told to the Piccaninnies. AND: More Australian Legendary Tales. Collected from Various Tribes. ...2 vols. in one
Published: 1897-1898
Stock No. 233953
$300.00 Online price

The Art of Elizabeth Durack. Foreword by R. Holmes Court. Intro. by P. Hutchings.
Published: 1981
Stock No. 233717
$175.00 Online price

$200.00 Online price

Foreign Field Sports Fisheries Sporting Anecdotes &c. &c. from Drawings by Messrs. Howitt Atkinson Clark Manskirch &c. ? [The Supplement only being] Sketch of the Manners Pursuits &c. of the Natives of New South Wales.
Published: 1819
Stock No. 232177
$5,000.00 Online price

$80.00 Online price

$100.00 Online price