Rare Ethnology Books
Displaying books 381 - 400 of 443 in total
The Mackie Ethnological Expedition to Central Africa. Pts. 1-3 in 2 vols. (Pt.1: The Bakitara or Banyoro; Pt.2: The Banyankole; Pt.3: The Bagesu and other Tribes of the Uganda Protectorate).
Published: 1968
Stock No. 162673
$60.00 Online price

The Yao Village. A Study in the Social Structure of a Nyasaland Tribe.
Published: 1966
Stock No. 162542
$20.00 Online price

New Guinea. A journey through 10000 years. (Photographs by R. Smith). With text by K. Willey.
Published: 1969
Stock No. 161256
$30.00 Online price

$30.00 Online price

Im Stromgebiet des Sepik. Eine deutsche Forschungsreise in Neuguinea.
Published: 1922
Stock No. 160660
$125.00 Online price

Neuguinea Gesichter und Masken: Fotos. Einfuhrung von A. Strathern.
Published: 1981
Stock No. 160563
$85.00 Online price

$65.00 Online price

Design and Layout by. Canadian Eskimo Art. Photographs by B. Beaver and the National Film Board.
Published: 1972
Stock No. 164337
$15.00 Online price

$20.00 Online price

$180.00 Online price

Miramar Island and its History: How Motu-kairangi was discovered and settled by Polynesians and how in Times long past it became Miramar Peninsula.
Published: 1923
Stock No. 163578
$20.00 Online price

$15.00 Online price

The Moa-Hunter Period of Maori Culture. With a foreword by H.D. Skinner.
Published: 1950
Stock No. 163374
$125.00 Online price