Rare Indians Books
Displaying all 20 books
Ethnological Results of the Point Barrow Expedition; TOGETHER WITH: The Medicine-men of the Apaches by Capt. John G. Bourke.
Published: 1892
Stock No. 223044
$100.00 Online price

Narrative of a five Years' Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam in Guiana on the Wild Coast of South America; from the years 1772 to 1777. Elucidating the History of that Country and Describing its productions viz. Quadrupedes Birds
Published: 1971
Stock No. 235206
$100.00 Online price

Universal Indian Sign Language of the Plains Indians of North America. Together with a simplified method of study a list of words in most general use a codification of pictographic symbols of the Sioux and Ojibway. ...
Published: 1929
Stock No. 214013
$110.00 Online price

$40.00 Online price

Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition. Historical Introduction by M.M. Quaife.
Published: 1929
Stock No. 211080
$65.00 Online price

Vol. 1 No. 1: April 1949 - Vol. XVII: October 1965 plus index. 20 vols.
Published: 1949-1965
Stock No. 197518
$40.00 Online price

The Covenant Chain: Indian Ceremonial and Trade Silver. Catalogue of the exhibition by Sandra Gibb.
Published: 1980
Stock No. 196965
$15.00 Online price

Material Culture of the Numa. The John Wesley Powell Collection 1867-1880.
Published: 1979
Stock No. 196412
$15.00 Online price

Dances of Anahuac. The Choreography and Music of Precortesian Dances.
Published: 1964
Stock No. 195504
$40.00 Online price

Flashman and the Redskins. From The Flashman Papers 1849-50 and 1875-76.
Published: 1982
Stock No. 193560
$65.00 Online price

$20.00 Online price

The Riders of the Plains. A Record of the Royal North-West Mounted Police of Canada 1873-1910.
Published: 1910
Stock No. 184773
$75.00 Online price

Frederic Remington: A Catalogue Raisonne of Paintings Watercolours and Drawings. 2 vols.
Published: 1996
Stock No. 174671
$135.00 Online price