Rare Asia Books
Displaying books 201 - 220 of 714 in total
$300.00 Online price

Wild Beasts and Their Ways. Reminiscences of Europe Asia Africa and America.
Published: 1890
Stock No. 251137
$450.00 Online price

Forty-one Years in India. From Subaltern to Commander-in-Chief. ... 2 vols.
Published: 1897
Stock No. 250418
$330.00 Online price

Wanderings in New South Wales Batavia Pedir Coast Singapore and China; Being the Journal of a Naturalist in those Countries during 1832 1833 and 1834. 2 volumes.
Published: 1834
Stock No. 250242
$650.00 Online price

Abel Janszoon Tasman's Journal of His Discovery of Van Diemens Land and New Zealand in 1642 with Documents Relating to His Exploration of Australia in 1644.
Published: 1898
Stock No. 249466
$11,000.00 Online price

Asia in maps from ancient times to the mid-19th century (Asien auf Karten von der Antike bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts). Parallel text in German and English Translated from the German by Alison and Alistair Wightman.
Published: 1989
Stock No. 248361
$350.00 Online price

Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines. Or Seven Books of Wisdom of the Great Path according to the late Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup's English Rendering ... With a foreword by R.R. Marett.
Published: 1958
Stock No. 188178
$90.00 Online price

$350.00 Online price

Mededeelingen van het Proefstation voor Suikerriet in West-Java Kagok-Tegal Java. Deel 1. ...
Published: 1890
Stock No. 244587
$60.00 Online price

The World's Great Collections. 12 Vols. (complete and all publ.). Ed. by Fujio Koyama and J.A. Pope.
Published: 1977
Stock No. 244356
$6,500.00 Online price

Chinesische Kunst. Zweihundert Hauptwerke der ausstellung der gesellschaft fur Ostasiatische Kunst in der Preussischen Akademie der Kunste Berlin 1929.
Published: 1930
Stock No. 244144
$200.00 Online price

A New Royal Authentic and Complete System of Universal Geography Antient and Modern: including All the late important Discoveries made by the English and other celebrated Navigators of various Nations in the different Hemispheres; And containing a
Published: circa 1790
Stock No. 243781
$3,500.00 Online price

A Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas in His Majesty's Ship The Endeavour. ...
Published: 1972
Stock No. 243467
$75.00 Online price