Rare India Books
Displaying books 81 - 100 of 237 in total
The Buddhism of Tibet or Lamaism. With its Mystic Cults Symbolism and Mythology and in its Relation to Indian Buddhism.
Published: 1939
Stock No. 234914
$250.00 Online price

Travels in the Regions of the Upper and Lower Amoor and the Russian Acquisitions on the Confines of India and China. ...
Published: 1860
Stock No. 234500
$400.00 Online price

$150.00 Online price

An Anglo-Indian Dictionary. A glossary of Indian terms used in English and of such English or other non-Indian terms as have obtained special meanings in India.
Published: 1885
Stock No. 235356
$200.00 Online price

The Dispatches of Field Marshall The Duke of Wellington during his various campaigns in India Denmark Portugal Spain the Low Countries and France. From 1799 to 1818. Compiled from official and authentic documents
Published: 1837-1839
Stock No. 235378
$5,000.00 Online price

History of the Possessions of the Honourable East India Company. Vol. I.
Published: 1837
Stock No. 234392
$150.00 Online price

Voyage in the Indian Seas in the Nisus Frigate to the Cape of Good Hope Isles of Bourbon France and Seychelles; to Madras; and the Isles of Java St. Paul and Amsterdam. During the Years 1810 and 1811.
Published: 1820
Stock No. 232915
$275.00 Online price

Swarai: The Problem of India. With a Foreword by Lord Brentford of Newick.
Published: 1930
Stock No. 234279
$45.00 Online price

Narrative of a Voyage to India; of a Shipwreck on Board the Lady Castlereagh; and a Description of New South Wales.
Published: 1823
Stock No. 232622
$350.00 Online price

Australia; With notes on the way on Egypt Ceylon Bombay and The Holy Land. 2nd ed. revised.
Published: 1862
Stock No. 231836
$65.00 Online price

The Coins and Tokens of the Possessions and Colonies of the British Empire.
Published: 1889
Stock No. 230828
$550.00 Online price

In Southern Seas. A Trip to the Antipodes. With Original Illustrations Drawn with Pen and Ink by 'Twain'.
Published: 1888
Stock No. 230209
$250.00 Online price

The Fauna of India and the adjacent countries. Reptilia: Vol. I (Testudines and Crocodilia). ...
Published: 1998
Stock No. 226297
$50.00 Online price

The Giant Snakes. The Natural History of the Boa Constrictor the Anaconda and the largest Pythons including comparative facts about other snakes and basic information on reptiles in general.
Published: 1962
Stock No. 225406
$150.00 Online price

A Colored Atlas of some Vertebrates from Ceylon (illustrated by the Author). 3 vols. complete and all published (Vol. 1: Fishes; Vol. 2: Tetrapod Reptilia; Vol. 3: Serpentoid Reptilia).
Published: 1952-1955
Stock No. 224752
$300.00 Online price

Tent Life in Tigerland with which is incorporated Sport and Work on the Nepaul Frontier. Being twelve years' sporting reminiscences of a pioneer planter in an Indian frontier district.
Published: 1888
Stock No. 224433
$250.00 Online price

$55.00 Online price

$100.00 Online price

A' in-i- Akbari. Translated from the original Persian by H. Blochmann and Col. H.S. Jarrett. 2nd ed. revised and edited by Lieut.-Col. D.C. Phillott and J. Sarkar. 3 vols. complete.
Published: 1977-1978
Stock No. 221274
$125.00 Online price