Rare Italy Books
Displaying books 41 - 60 of 113 in total
Nuove Scoperte Fatte nel 1765 67 e 69 nel Mare del Sud. Original Italian engraved map hand-coloured in outline depicting Australia with east coast marked in but south coast uncharted.
Published: 1776
Stock No. 214293
$2,000.00 Online price

Il Mappamondo o sia Descrizione Generale del Globo. Italian world map showing the two hemispheres and depicting 'Nuova Olanda as attached to Van Diemen's Land.
Published: 1774
Stock No. 213886
$2,000.00 Online price

Riviera Sudostliches Frankreich Korsika. Oberitalienische Seen Bozen Meran Genfer See. Handbuch fur Reisende. ...
Published: 1930
Stock No. 211745
$75.00 Online price

Travels through the Low-Countries Germany Italy and France with curious Observations Natural Topographical Moral Physiological &c. Also A Catalogue of Plants found spontaneously growing in those Parts and their Virtues.
Published: 1738
Stock No. 211416
$1,000.00 Online price

Francis Mortoft: His Book. Being his travels through France and Italy 1658-1659. Ed. by M. Letts.
Published: 1925
Stock No. 211371
$50.00 Online price

The Novels of Matteo Bandello Bishop of Agen now first done into English Prose and Verse by John Payne. 6 vols. complete.
Published: 1890
Stock No. 211190
$300.00 Online price

Adam and Eve in America. Translated from the Italian by Ivy Warren.
Published: 1951
Stock No. 205982
$30.00 Online price

The Memoirs of Count Carlo Gozzi Trans. into English by J. A. Symonds. With Essays on Italian Impromptu Comedy Gozzi's Life the Dramatic Fables and Pietro Longhi by the Translator. ... 2 vols.
Published: 1890
Stock No. 202014
$175.00 Online price

$95.00 Online price

The Passionate Sightseer from the diaries 1947 to 1956. Preface by Raymond Mortimer.
Published: 1961
Stock No. 199234
$25.00 Online price

Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata a Pompejo Magno ad Heraclium ab Adolfo Occone Olim Congesta. Augustorum Iconibus; perpetuis Historico-Chronologicis Notis pluribusque Additamentis jam illustrata.
Published: 1730
Stock No. 197751
$1,000.00 Online price

The Alps. Photographs by Yoshikazu Shirakawa. Text by M.A. Wyss. Introduction by C. Bonington.
Published: 1973
Stock No. 196912
$50.00 Online price

$40.00 Online price