Rare Malaya Books
Displaying books 81 - 97 of 97 in total
Isole Dell 'India cioe le Molucche le Filippine e della Sonda Parte de Paesi di nuoua scoperra e l'Isole de Ladri nel Mare del Zud ...
Published: 1683
Stock No. 177061
$3,500.00 Online price

Wavell: Supreme Commander 1941-1943. Ed. and completed by M. Roberts.
Published: 1969
Stock No. 174429
$35.00 Online price

$40.00 Online price

Noone of the Ulu. With a Foreword by Field-Marshall Sir Gerald Templer.
Published: 1958
Stock No. 173151
$20.00 Online price

Vorm en Functie in Klassiek en Modern Maleisch. De Verbale Constructies.
Published: 1945
Stock No. 175036
$25.00 Online price

$25.00 Online price

$90.00 Online price

The Birds of the Malay Peninsula Singapore and Penang ... With a note of their occurrence in Sumatra Borneo and Java and a list of the birds of those islands.
Published: 1951
Stock No. 128249
$55.00 Online price