Rare Scandinavia Books
Displaying all 17 books
Norway and its Glaciers visited in 1851; followed by Journals of Excursions in the High Alps of Dauphine Berne and Savoy.
Published: 1853
Stock No. 207250
$700.00 Online price

Sveriges Folkliga Textilkonst. Utdrag ur Foreningens for Svensk Hemslojd Samlingsverk Over Svenska Allmogetextilier. Med Stod av Langmanska Kulturfonden.Del I Rolakan (All Published).
Published: 1937
Stock No. 192444
$115.00 Online price

Fridtjof Nansen's "Farthest North". Being the record of a Voyage of Exploration of the Ship Fram 1893-96 and of a Fifteen Months' Sleigh Journey by Dr. Nansen and Lieut. Johansen.
Published: 1898
Stock No. 190588
$900.00 Online price

$50.00 Online price

Being the Adventures of a Danish Emigrant in Queensland (1871-1880).
Published: 1908
Stock No. 185613
$40.00 Online price

$20.00 Online price

The Plant Cover of Sweden. A Study Dedicated to G. Einar Du Rietz on his 70th Birthday April 25th 1965 by his Pupils.
Published: 1965
Stock No. 177115
$25.00 Online price

Land under the Pole Star. A Voyage to the Norse Settlements of Greenland and the Saga of the People that Vanished. Transl. from the Norwegian by N. Walford.
Published: 1966
Stock No. 172632
$25.00 Online price

North West to Hudson Bay. The Life and Times of Jens Munk. Transl. by J. McFarlane and J. Lynch.
Published: 1970
Stock No. 166281
$20.00 Online price

Nogle Iagttagelser over Glacialphaenomenerne og Cypria-Leret i Danmark.
Published: 1882
Stock No. 156936
$40.00 Online price

$35.00 Online price

$15.00 Online price

Lexicon Mythico-Historicum eller Kort och Endelig Beskrifning ofwer Afgudar Gudinnor Nympher Hogtider Offer Caeremonier Bilder namnkunnoga beromda Hofdingar larda Man Lander Stader Beg Haf Sidar Konungar
Published: 1748
Stock No. 125723
$100.00 Online price