Rare South America Books
Displaying books 41 - 60 of 158 in total
Narrative of a Voyage to the Southern Atlantic Ocean in the Years 18282930 Performed in H.M. Sloop Chanticleer under the command of the Late Captain Henry Foster F.R.S. &c. By Order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty.
Published: 1834
Stock No. 205481
$1,300.00 Online price

Histoire de la Guadeloupe. 4 vols. Tome Premier: 1635 a 1789; Tome Deuxieme: 1789 a 1798; Tome Troisieme: 1798 a 1803; Tome Quatrieme: 1803 a 1830.
Published: 1960
Stock No. 219153
$125.00 Online price

Papers presented to Parliament by His Majesty's Command. In Explanation of the Measures adopted by His Majesty's Government for the melioration of the condition of the Slave Population in His Majesty's Possessions in the West Indies
Published: 1825
Stock No. 241074
$500.00 Online price

Terry's Guide to Mexico. The new standard guide book to the Mexican Republic. With chapters on the railways the airways and the ocean routes to Mexico. ...
Published: 1931
Stock No. 240909
$125.00 Online price

Three Voyages of a Naturalist. Being an account of many little-known islands in three oceans visited by the 'Valhalla" R.Y.S. With an introd. by the Earl of Crawford. ...
Published: 1908
Stock No. 238486
$100.00 Online price

A Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean performed in the Years 179617971798 in the Ship Duff commanded by Captain James Wilson. Compiled from journals of the Officers and the Missionaries; ... With preliminary discourse on the Geography...
Published: 1799
Stock No. 236560
$1,500.00 Online price

The Sea and the Jungle. Being the narrative of the voyage of the tramp steamer Capella from Swansea to Santa Maria de Belem do Grao Para in the Brazils ...
Published: 1930
Stock No. 236235
$85.00 Online price

$300.00 Online price

Narrative of a five Years' Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam in Guiana on the Wild Coast of South America; from the years 1772 to 1777. Elucidating the History of that Country and Describing its productions viz. Quadrupedes Birds
Published: 1971
Stock No. 235206
$100.00 Online price

The Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Being the Results of a Survey for a Railroad to connect the Atlantic and Pacific made by the Scientific Commission under the Direction of Major J.G. Bernard with a Resume of the geology climate geography ...of that Region.
Published: 1852
Stock No. 235210
$250.00 Online price

Voyage to Buenos Ayres performed in the Years 1817 and 1818 by Order of the American Government.
Published: 1820
Stock No. 232921
$200.00 Online price

Travels in Brazil in 1815 1816 and 1817. Translated from the German and illustrated with engravings.
Published: 1825
Stock No. 232919
$400.00 Online price

In Search of Flowers of the Amazon Forests. Diaries of an English Artist reveal the beauty of the vanishing rainforest. Ed. by T. Morrison. Foreword by H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh.
Published: 1989
Stock No. 231603
$150.00 Online price

Twentieth Century Impressions of Brazil: Its history people commerce industries and resources. ...
Published: 1913
Stock No. 231886
$995.00 Online price

A Voyage Round the World In the Years MDCCXL I II III IV by George Anson Esq; Afterwards Lord Anson Commander in Chief of a Squadron of His Majesty's Ships sent upon an Expedition to the South-Seas. Compiled ... by R. Walter. ...
Published: 1776
Stock No. 228463
$2,750.00 Online price

A Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean performed in the Years 1796 1797 1798 in the Ship Duff commanded by Captain James Wilson. Compiled from journals of the Officers and the Missionaries; ...
Published: 1799
Stock No. 227429
$4,000.00 Online price

A Voyage to the South Sea and Round the World Perform'd in the Years 1708 1709 1710 and 1711. Containing A Journal of all memorable Transactions during the said Voyage; ...
Published: 1712
Stock No. 225549
$5,500.00 Online price