Rare West Indies Books
Displaying books 41 - 49 of 49 in total
Expedition to Surinam. Being the narrative of a five years expedition against the revolted negroes of Surinam in Guiana on the wild coast of South America from the year 1772 to 1777
Published: 1963
Stock No. 168444
$35.00 Online price

The Coins of The West Indies. Silver and Copper including the cut and counterstamped pieces.
Published: 1942
Stock No. 165366
$20.00 Online price

The Arcturus Adventure. An account of the New York Zoological Society's First Oceanographic Expedition.
Published: 1926
Stock No. 161672
$30.00 Online price

$210.00 Online price

Impresiones de la Republica de Cuba en el Siglo Veinte. Historia Gente Comercio Industria y Riqueza.
Published: 1913
Stock No. 6150
$620.00 Online price