Rare Languages Books
Displaying books 101 - 120 of 314 in total
Horace on Poetry. Epistles Book II: The Letters to Augustus and Florus. By C.O. Brink.
Published: 1982
Stock No. 222429
$100.00 Online price

A. Corn Celsi de Medicina Libri Octo; Quibus Accedunt Indices Capitum Auctorum et Rerum Locupletissimi ex Recensione Leonardi Targae.
Published: 1815
Stock No. 219489
$125.00 Online price

Short-title Catalogue of German Imprints in Australia from 1501 - 1800.
Published: 1970
Stock No. 218356
$40.00 Online price

Essays on Sino-Korean Musicology: Early Sources for Korean Ritual Music.
Published: 1988
Stock No. 218351
$50.00 Online price

$35.00 Online price

Report of the Select Committee on the Glen Grey Act. Printed by Order of the House of Assembly December 1898.
Published: 1898
Stock No. 219664
$50.00 Online price

Die Gesetze Hammurabis und ihr Verhaltnis zur Mosaischen Gesetzgebung sowie zu den XII Tafeln. Babylonischen Text in Umschrift und parallele Deutsche und Hebraische Ubersetzung ... Das Syrisch-Romische Rechtsbuch und Hammurabi.
Published: 1975
Stock No. 220605
$45.00 Online price

$300.00 Online price

A Narrative of Missionary Enterprises in the South Sea Islands; With Remarks upon the Natural History of the Islands Origin; Languages Traditions and Usages of the Inhabitants. ...
Published: 1838
Stock No. 219318
$100.00 Online price

$100.00 Online price

Classical Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies in Honor of Berthold Louis Ullman. 2 vols.
Published: 1964
Stock No. 218906
$65.00 Online price

Manava - Dherma - Sastra; or The Institutes of Menu. 2 vols. complete. (Vol. I: Sanscrit Text; Vol. II: English Translation).
Published: 1825
Stock No. 220663
$150.00 Online price

Nieuw Maleisch - Nederlandsch Woordenboek met Arabisch Karaktert. Naar de Beste en Laatste Bronnen Bewerkt.
Published: 1947
Stock No. 220419
$50.00 Online price

$100.00 Online price

Bibliotheca Latina Mediae et Infimae Aetatis. 6 vols. bound in 3. (TomusI/II: A - F; Tomus III/IV: G - L; Tomus V/VI: M - Z).
Published: 1962
Stock No. 220590
$300.00 Online price

The Diwans of Abid Ibn Al-Abras of Asad and Amir Ibn At-Tufail of Amir Ibn Sa'Sa'Ah Edited for the First Time from the Ms. in The British Museum.
Published: 1980
Stock No. 220574
$50.00 Online price