Rare English Literature Books
Displaying books 341 - 360 of 1917 in total
A Bibliography of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Together with kindred matter in prose and verse pertaining thereto. Collected and arranged by A. G. Potter.
Published: 1929
Stock No. 235791
$500.00 Online price

A Bibliography of the Writings of William Somerset Maugham. Compiled by Frederick T. Bason.
Published: 1931
Stock No. 235790
$150.00 Online price

$750.00 Online price

$750.00 Online price

$1,500.00 Online price

Queen Jezebel: Fragments of an Imaginary Biography in Dramatised Dialogue.
Published: 1930
Stock No. 233628
$35.00 Online price

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Rendered into English Verse by Edward Fitzgerald.
Published: c.1910
Stock No. 233421
$675.00 Online price

$450.00 Online price

$450.00 Online price

The Blameless Sport: Some Piscatory Excursions in Prose and Verse. With an Introduction by Sir George B. Douglas.
Published: 1929
Stock No. 232944
$60.00 Online price