Rare War Books
Displaying books 781 - 800 of 1166 in total
$50.00 Online price

Exposition of the Motives founded upon the universally received Laws of Nations which have determined the King (of Prussia) upon the repeated Instances of his Subjects trading by Sea to lay on Attachment upon the Captail Funds which his Majesty
Published: 1752
Stock No. 211516
$600.00 Online price

The Memoires of the Lives and Actions of James and William Dukes of Hamilton and Castleherald &c. In which an Account is given of the Rise and Progress of the Civil Wars of Scotland.
Published: 1677
Stock No. 211405
$1,650.00 Online price

De Jure Belli ac Pacis. (The Law of War and Peace). Librorum III. Compendium. Annotationibus & Commentariis selectis illustratum.
Published: 1718
Stock No. 211257
$400.00 Online price

Donald Friend Australian War Artist 1945. Foreword and commentaries by Donald Friend.
Published: 1982
Stock No. 210872
$135.00 Online price

The Prospect for Australia in the Event of a War with France: Being a Lecture delivered in Sydney in the evening of Monday August 23rd 1858. With an Appendix ...
Published: 1858
Stock No. 210536
$225.00 Online price

Anno Regni Gulielmi III. Regis Angliae Scotiae Franciae & Hiberniae Septimo. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the Two and Twentieth Day of November Anno Dom. 1695. In the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord William the Third
Published: 1695
Stock No. 210063
$500.00 Online price

No Time to Kiss Goodbye: Wartime Children Fleeing to the Countryside.
Published: 1995
Stock No. 209901
$30.00 Online price

$175.00 Online price

Historical Records of the Forty-Third Regiment Montmouthshire Light Infantry with a Roll of the Officers and their Services from the period of Embodiment to the close of 1867. ...
Published: 1868
Stock No. 209756
$100.00 Online price

Modern Australia in Documents. 2 vols. (Vol.1:1901-1939 Vol.2: 1939-1970). By W. McNally.
Published: 1973
Stock No. 209635
$100.00 Online price

British Statesmen of the Great War 1793-1814. The Ford Lectures for 1911.
Published: 1911
Stock No. 209510
$45.00 Online price

$100.00 Online price

Proud Heritage: The Story of the Highland Light Infantry. 2 vols. (Volume I: The 71st H.L.I. 1777-1881; Vol. II: The 74th Highlanders 1787-1882).
Published: 1952-1959
Stock No. 209082
$100.00 Online price

Australia's Forgotten Volunteer's. Interstate Railwaymen at the Top End of the Northern Territory during World War Two.
Published: 1992
Stock No. 208895
$45.00 Online price