Rare World War One Books
Displaying books 201 - 220 of 245 in total
The Desert Mounted Corps. An Account of the Cavalry Operations in Palestine and Syria 1917-1918. With an Introd. by Lieut. - Gen. Sir H. G. Chauvel.
Published: 1921
Stock No. 187000
$175.00 Online price

Offensive Patrol. The story of the R.N.A.S. R.F.C. and R.A.F. in Italy 1917-18.
Published: 1973
Stock No. 185916
$30.00 Online price

Much in Little. Digger Stories. A War Baby Little Mamzelle My French Bride etc. etc.
Stock No. 182414
$10.00 Online price

$10.00 Online price

The European Crisis Official Correspondence. Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty.
Published: 1914
Stock No. 182401
$20.00 Online price

The History of the 2/6th (Rifle) Battalion "The King's" (Liverpool Regiment) 1914-1919. With a foreword by Maj.-Gen. Sir R.W.R.Barnes.
Published: 1920
Stock No. 181987
$135.00 Online price

Much in Little. Digger Stories. A War Baby Little Mamzelle My French Bride etc. etc.
Stock No. 177400
$10.00 Online price

$95.00 Online price

$25.00 Online price

$25.00 Online price