Rare Occult Books
Displaying books 141 - 151 of 151 in total
$55.00 Online price

Sidonia the Sorceress. Transl. by Lady Wilde. Illustrated by Thomas Lowinsky.
Published: 1926
Stock No. 159303
$210.00 Online price

Constitutions of the Ancient Fraternity of Free & Accepted Masons under the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales. ... Publ. by Authority.
Published: 1889
Stock No. 156529
$15.00 Online price

$50.00 Online price

Studies in Ancient History ... comprising an inquiry into the Origin of Exogamy. Ed.by (the author's) widow and A. Platt.
Published: 1896
Stock No. 143290
$30.00 Online price

Freemansonry's Servant. the Masonic Service Association of the United States: The first fifty years.
Published: 1969
Stock No. 127078
$5.00 Online price

Les Paiens. Mana et Tabou - Magie Blanche et Noire - Maladie et Medecine - Sorcellerie et Chamanisme - Culte des Aucetres - Totemisme - Dem ons et Dieux - Essor et Declin d'une Religion. Trad. de Saint-Seine.
Published: 1950
Stock No. 128731
$15.00 Online price

Album commemorating the functions meetings ceremonies etc. held at Lodge Malvern N.S.W. during the year of office of A.F.R. Simpson as Worshipful Master.
Published: 1938
Stock No. 106183
$15.00 Online price

From Jubilee to Diamond Jubilee. History of ten years of the United Grand Lodge of Freemasonry in New South Wales 1938-1948.
Published: 1949
Stock No. 99156
$25.00 Online price