Rare Melanesia Books
Displaying books 321 - 340 of 468 in total
Anthropology in the New Guinea Highlands. An Annotated Bibliography.
Published: 1976
Stock No. 179283
$20.00 Online price

$15.00 Online price

Children of the Blood. Society Reproduction and Cosmology in New Guinea. Transl. by N. Scott.
Published: 1996
Stock No. 179048
$25.00 Online price

$20.00 Online price

Tangu Traditions. A study of the way of life mythology and developing experience of a New Guinea People.
Published: 1969
Stock No. 178620
$35.00 Online price

W.G. Lawes of Savage Island and New Guinea. With an introd. by the Rev. R.W. Thompson.
Published: 1909
Stock No. 178155
$75.00 Online price

South Sea Islanders and the Queensland Labour Trade. A record of Voyages and Experiences in the Western Pacific from 1875 to 1891.
Published: 1893
Stock No. 177935
$190.00 Online price

Dreiszig Jahre in der Suedsee. Land und Leute Sitten und Gebrauche in Bismarckarchipel und auf den deutzchen Salomoinseln.
Published: 1926
Stock No. 177567
$245.00 Online price

South Sea Islanders and the Queensland Labour Trade. A Record of Voyages and Experiences in the Western Pacific from 1875 to 1891.
Published: 1893
Stock No. 177556
$225.00 Online price

$115.00 Online price