Rare Reptiles Books
Displaying books 21 - 40 of 59 in total
Some Memoirs of the Life and Works of George Edwards Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies. ...
Published: 1776
Stock No. 228552
$650.00 Online price

La Vie des Reptiles de la France Centrale. Cinquante annees d'observations biologiques.
Published: 1934
Stock No. 226625
$225.00 Online price

Researches upon the Venom of the Rattlesnake: With an Investigation of the Anatomy and Physiology of the organs concerned.
Published: 1860
Stock No. 225013
$350.00 Online price

A Popular Account of Australian Snakes: With a Complete list of the Species and an Introduction to their Habits and Organisation.
Published: 1898
Stock No. 224992
$1,500.00 Online price

A Popular Account of Australian Snakes: With a Complete list of the Species and an Introduction to their Habits and Organisation.
Published: 1898
Stock No. 224979
$1,000.00 Online price

Reports on the Collections made by the British Ornithologists' Union Expedition and the Wollaston Expedition in Dutch New Guinea 1910-1913. 2 vols.
Published: 1916
Stock No. 224945
$3,000.00 Online price

Collectanea de Trabalhos 1901-1917. (A Collection of 24 scientific papers mostly by Dr. Vital Brazil).
Published: 1918
Stock No. 226313
$400.00 Online price

The Snakes of Australia; An Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of all the Known Species.
Published: 1869
Stock No. 224797
$5,000.00 Online price

The Snakes of Australia; An Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of all the Known Species.
Published: 1869
Stock No. 224796
$4,500.00 Online price

Nouvelles Experiences sur la Vipere ou l'on verra une description exacte de toutes ses Parties la fource de son Venin ses divers effets & les Remedes exquis que les Artistes peuvent tirer du corps de cet Animal. ...
Published: 1694
Stock No. 225651
$750.00 Online price

Guide to the Gallery of Reptilia and Amphibia in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural History) ...
Published: 1906
Stock No. 225645
$65.00 Online price

A Colored Atlas of some Vertebrates from Ceylon (illustrated by the Author). 3 vols. complete and all published (Vol. 1: Fishes; Vol. 2: Tetrapod Reptilia; Vol. 3: Serpentoid Reptilia).
Published: 1952-1955
Stock No. 224752
$300.00 Online price

Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupedes Ovipares et des Serpens. 2 vols.
Published: 1788-1789
Stock No. 225539
$4,000.00 Online price

Jottings during the Cruise of H.M.S. Curacoa among the South Sea Islands in 1865.
Published: 1873
Stock No. 225535
$1,500.00 Online price

Jewels of the Rainforest - Poison Frogs of the Family Dendrobatidae.
Published: 1994
Stock No. 224374
$150.00 Online price

The Gigantic Land Tortoises of the Galapagos Archipelago. Expedition of the California Academy of Sciences to the Galapagos Islands 1905-1906.
Published: 1914
Stock No. 225435
$500.00 Online price

$60.00 Online price

Reports on the Collections made by the British Ornithologists' Union Expedition and the Wollaston Expedition in Dutch New Guinea 1910-1913. 2 vols.
Published: 1916
Stock No. 225411
$3,000.00 Online price