Rare Pets Books
Displaying books 361 - 380 of 595 in total
$500.00 Online price

$75.00 Online price

Official Sectional Catalogue for Dogs and Cats. For the Years 1950 1954 1959 1960 1961 and 1972. 6 issues.
Stock No. 211706
$100.00 Online price

Dogs of the World. Showing the origin of the canine and feline species from the Australian Marsupial Lion about three million years ago; the mot notable dogs springing from it: and illustrations therewith.
Published: 1946
Stock No. 211617
$300.00 Online price

$40.00 Online price

$125.00 Online price

$35.00 Online price

The National Standard Squab Book. A Practical Manual giving complete and precise directions for the installation and management of a successful squab plant. ...
Published: 1909
Stock No. 208149
$65.00 Online price

The Animal-Lore of Shakespeare's Time including Quadrupeds Birds Reptiles Fish and Insects.
Published: 1883
Stock No. 208143
$60.00 Online price

$100.00 Online price