Rare Pets Books
Displaying books 161 - 180 of 595 in total
$50.00 Online price

The Australasian Racehorse. A record of successful racehorses in Australia and New Zealand from the earliest period.
Published: 1908
Stock No. 214851
$350.00 Online price

Mr. Gould's Tropical Birds. Comprising eighteen plates selected from John Gould's Folios together with descriptions of the birds taken from his original text edited and introduced by Eva Mannering.
Published: 1970
Stock No. 254263
$100.00 Online price

Gould's Tropical Birds. 18 prints with original text by John Gould.
Published: N.d.
Stock No. 254270
$100.00 Online price

Birds of Australia. Lansdowne Facsimile Edition. 8 vols. including supplement. Complete and all published.
Published: 1972-1975
Stock No. 254271
$2,200.00 Online price

Studies & Sketches of a Bird Painter. Painting Drawings and Text by Raymond Ching. With additional text by Errol Fuller.
Published: 1981
Stock No. 254261
$125.00 Online price

$125.00 Online price

A Natural History of the Birds of New South Wales collected engraved and faithfully painted after nature. Introd. and bibliographical descriptions by A. McEvey.
Published: 1978
Stock No. 254264
$350.00 Online price

The Birds of Australia and the Adjacent Islands. (2 parts in one vol.)
Published: 1979
Stock No. 254250
$125.00 Online price

$150.00 Online price

$110.00 Online price

Hoofs and Horns. ...Official publication of Australian Rough-Riders Association. 56 Monthly Issues from August 1954 to February 1970.
Stock No. 253897
$400.00 Online price

Letters and Diaries of A.F.R. Wollaston. Sel ed. by M. Wollaston with preface by H. Newbolt.
Published: 1933
Stock No. 251600
$75.00 Online price