Rare Philosophy Books
Displaying books 41 - 60 of 184 in total
Origines Sacrae or A Rational Account of the Grounds of Christian Faith as to the Truth and Divine Authority of the Scriptures and the matters therein contained. ...
Published: 1662
Stock No. 240357
$550.00 Online price

Oeuvres d'Histoire Naturelle et de Philosophie. Vols. I-V in 7 only. ...
Published: 1779-1781
Stock No. 240185
$500.00 Online price

Jesus! De Osculis discurses philologici Editio plane nova multis in locis aucta atque emendata.
Published: 1689
Stock No. 240449
$300.00 Online price

Cato's Letters. Essays on Liberty Civil and Religious and Other Important Subjects. Four Volumes in Two.
Published: 1971
Stock No. 240794
$150.00 Online price

A Philosophical Account of the Works of Nature. Endeavouring to set forth the several Gradations Remarkable in the Mineral Vegetable and Animal parts of the Creation. Tending to the Composition of a Scale of Life.
Published: 1721
Stock No. 239955
$3,000.00 Online price

An Examination of Dr. Burnet's Theory of the Earth. Together with some remarks on Mr. Watson's New Theory of the Earth.
Published: 1698
Stock No. 240190
$900.00 Online price

Pseudodoxia Epidemica: or Enquiries into very many received Tenents and commonly presumed Truths. ...Together with many more Marginal Observations and a Table Alphabetical at the end. ...
Published: 1686
Stock No. 240166
$750.00 Online price

Praelectiones academicae in proprias Institutiones rei medicae edidit et notas addidit Albertus Haller. Editio prima Neapolitana ceteris aliis accuratior. Tomus primus (-septimus).
Published: 1754-55
Stock No. 240073
$1,500.00 Online price

Hydrostatical and Pneumatical Lectures ...Published from the Author's original Manuscript with Notes by Robert Smith. ...
Published: 1775
Stock No. 240233
$500.00 Online price

$750.00 Online price

System de Politique Positive ou Traite de Sociologie Instituant la Religion de L'Humanite. 5 vols. bound in 4.
Published: 1879
Stock No. 240430
$500.00 Online price

Elementa Matheseos Universae. Commentationem de Methodo Mathemathica Arithmeticam Geometrian Trigonometriam Planam ...5 vols.
Published: 1733-1742
Stock No. 240422
$1,000.00 Online price

Medicina Mentis sive Tentamen genuinae Logicae in quae differentur de methodo detegendi incognitas veritas (Part II): Medicina Corporis seu cognitiones admodum probabiles de conservanda Sanitate.
Published: 1687
Stock No. 240261
$1,500.00 Online price

Tractatus de Homine et de Formatione Foetus. Quorum Prior Notis Perpetuis. Ludovici de La Forge illustratur.
Published: 1677
Stock No. 240208
$1,500.00 Online price

An Introduction to Natural Philosophy; or Philosophical Lectures read in the University of Oxford Anno Dom. 1700. To which are added The Demonstrations of Monsieur Huygen's Theorems concerning the Centrifugal Force and Circular Motion.
Published: 1733
Stock No. 240202
$400.00 Online price

Letters of Euler on different subjects in physics and philosophy. Addressed to a German Princess. Transl....by Henry Hunter. ...2 vols.
Stock No. 240317
$550.00 Online price

An Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophical Discoveries. In four books. By Colin Maclaurin late Fellow of the Royal Society Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh ...Published from the Author's Manuscript Papers by Patrick Murdoch.
Published: 1748
Stock No. 239956
$2,000.00 Online price