Rare Fishes Books
Displaying books 161 - 180 of 254 in total
The Atoll of Funafuti Ellice Group: Its Zoology Botany Ethnology and General Structure. .. Complete.
Published: 1990
Stock No. 225191
$550.00 Online price

The Australian Trout. Its Introduction and Acclimatisation in Victorian Waters.
Published: 1988
Stock No. 224784
$50.00 Online price

A Colored Atlas of some Vertebrates from Ceylon (illustrated by the Author). 3 vols. complete and all published (Vol. 1: Fishes; Vol. 2: Tetrapod Reptilia; Vol. 3: Serpentoid Reptilia).
Published: 1952-1955
Stock No. 224752
$300.00 Online price

The Compleat Angler; or The Contemplative Man's Recreation. Being a Discourse of Rivers Fishponds Fish and Fishing not unworthy the Perusal of most Anglers. By Izaak Walton.
Published: 1931
Stock No. 224724
$750.00 Online price

The Scream of the Reel. Deep-sea beach estuary and inland angling in Australian and New Zealand waters.
Published: 1966
Stock No. 224383
$50.00 Online price

$55.00 Online price

The Southern Hemisphere's Journal of the Great Outdoors. The Inaugural Issue Vol. 1: No. 1.
Stock No. 223575
$40.00 Online price

The Southern Hemisphere's Journal of the Great Outdoors. Ed. by N.O. Hudson. Vol. 1: No. 2.
Published: 1948
Stock No. 221429
$35.00 Online price

$125.00 Online price

Jottings during the Cruise of H.M.S. Curacoa among the South Sea Islands in 1865.
Published: 1873
Stock No. 218822
$3,000.00 Online price

The New Compleat Angler. Illustrated by M. Knowelden. Foreword by R. Walker.
Published: 1984
Stock No. 218675
$45.00 Online price

$45.00 Online price

$40.00 Online price

The Sea Fishes of Southern Africa. With a message from His Excellency the Governor-General of Mocambique. Foreword by Dr. B.F.J. Schonland.
Published: 1950
Stock No. 217492
$250.00 Online price

Modern Whaling and Bear-Hunting. A record of present-day whaling with up-to-date appliances in many parts of the world and of bear and seal hunting in the Arctic regions.
Published: 1917
Stock No. 216928
$225.00 Online price