Rare Hunting Books
Displaying books 101 - 120 of 140 in total
A Colony in the Making; Or Sport and Profit in British East Africa.
Published: 1912
Stock No. 194844
$125.00 Online price

$50.00 Online price

$30.00 Online price

Two African Trips. With notes and Suggestions on Big Game Preservation in Africa.
Published: 1902
Stock No. 194394
$950.00 Online price

Out of the Beaten Track. A Narrative of Travel in little known Africa. Introd. by Dr. G.M. Vevers Superintendent Zoological Society London.
Published: 1930
Stock No. 193597
$50.00 Online price

Our African Adventure. (The Mordern African Expedition undertaken in co-operation with the Anthropology Dept. of the American Museum of Natural History to mainly study the little-known natives of the Turkana District of northwestern Kenya Colony).
Published: 1954
Stock No. 193456
$60.00 Online price

Serengeti. (An Account of the Wild Life and Safari in the African Game Sanctuary Serengeti). Foreword by Sir Philip Mitchell.
Published: -1938
Stock No. 193369
$90.00 Online price

Tandalla: A Danish Game Warden's study of Native and WildLife in Kenya and Tanganyika.
Published: 1951
Stock No. 193029
$35.00 Online price

Strophantlidin: Four (4) papers on (1) Strophantlus Hispidus - Its Natural History Chemistry and Pharmacology; (2) The Chemistry of Strophantlidin a Decomposition Product of Strophantlin;
Published: 1891 - 1915
Stock No. 189299
$225.00 Online price

A Year of Sport and Natural History: Shooting Hunting Coursing Falconry and Fishing. With Chapters on Birds of Prey The Nidification of Birds and the Habits of British Wild Birds and Animals.
Published: 1895
Stock No. 169809
$85.00 Online price