Rare Sports Books
Displaying books 201 - 220 of 773 in total
6 vols (1: General Guide Book; 2: Ben Nevis; 3: The Cairngorms; 4: The Western Highlands; 5: The Central Highlands; 6: The Islands of Scotland).
Published: 1931-1936
Stock No. 249933
$250.00 Online price

$75.00 Online price

Annual Automobile Review. Originating Editor - Ami Guichard. Nos 2-10: 1954/55-1962-63. (complete). In 9 vols. English Language Edition.
Published: 1955-1963
Stock No. 249316
$900.00 Online price

$65.00 Online price

The Evolution of the Skull and the Cephalic Muscles. A Comparative Study of their Development and Adult Morphology. Parts 1-4 in 4 vols.
Published: 1945
Stock No. 247740
$45.00 Online price

Fishes of Australia: A popular and systematic guide to the study of the wealth within our waters.
Published: 1906
Stock No. 247637
$75.00 Online price

The Complete Angler; or The Contemplative Man's Recreation. Being a Discourse of Rivers Fish-Ponds Fish and Fishing ... and Instructions how to Angle for a Trout or Grayling in a clear stream. With original memoirs and notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. ...
Published: 1860
Stock No. 246685
$950.00 Online price

Oppiani Poetae Cilicus De Venatione lib. IIII; De Piscatu lib. V: Cum interpretione Latina Commentariis & Indice rerum in utroque opere memorabilium locupietissimo. ...
Published: 1597
Stock No. 244566
$750.00 Online price

Berlin International Fishery Exhibition. (Report by Mr. Spencer Walpole).
Published: 1881
Stock No. 244342
$75.00 Online price

Constitution 1959; Competition Handbook; Handbook of Instruction and Examination 1964; Gear and Equipment Handbook 1955; "The Brown Book" No. 4-Action and Illustrative Plates Drawings and Plans and Appendices. 7 parts bound in one volume.
Published: 1955-1964
Stock No. 241902
$90.00 Online price

He Heard the River Calling: The Life and Times of Stuart Hamilton Hume. Based on his writings published in The Bulletin Tight Lines and The Macleay Argus 1940-1955. Compiled Edited and Published by J. Hume Macdougall. ...
Published: 1996
Stock No. 240905
$45.00 Online price

Travel and Trout in the Antipodes. An Angler's Sketches in Tasmania and New Zealand. ...
Published: 1880
Stock No. 240460
$300.00 Online price