Rare Sports Books
Displaying books 41 - 60 of 773 in total
$250.00 Online price

$60.00 Online price

An Album of the Cricketers issued by John Player & Sons. A complete series of 50 cigarette cards of which 34 depict the English Players and 16 the Australian Team including Don Bradman (card No. 38) and L.O'B. Fleetwood-Smith (Card No. 42).
Published: 1938
Stock No. 246900
$500.00 Online price

$75.00 Online price

100 years of Wimbledon. Official History of the Lawn Tennis Championships.
Published: 1977
Stock No. 246469
$65.00 Online price

$45.00 Online price

The Compleat Angler; or The Contemplative Man's Recreation. Being a Discourse of Rivers Fishponds Fish and Fishing not unworthy the Perusal of most Anglers. By Izaak Walton.
Published: 1931
Stock No. 246028
$400.00 Online price

British Rural Sports; comprising shooting hunting coursing fishing hawking racing boating and pedestrianism. With all Rural Games and Amusements. ...
Published: 1875
Stock No. 245637
$300.00 Online price

Salmonia : or Days of Fly Fishing. In a series of conversations. With some Account of the Habits of Fishes belonging to the Genus Salmo. By An Angler. ...
Published: 1828
Stock No. 244699
$1,500.00 Online price

Trout. Foreword by Lewis Douglas. Photographs of fly tying by Charles S. Krug. Fly plates in full colour painted by Edgar Burke.
Published: ca. 1950
Stock No. 244016
$100.00 Online price

Alf Francis Racing Mechanic: His own story as told to and written by Peter Lewis Motor-Racing Correspondent of "The Observer". Foreword by Stirling Moss.
Published: 1957
Stock No. 243745
$75.00 Online price

Lithogrefirte Abbildingen Zum ersten (und Ziveeten) Buche des "Systeme der Fechtkunst" a la contrepointe auf der Stoss mit den Rappier oder Degen fur den Einzeinkampf Manngegen Mann. 2 vols. in one (complete).
Published: 1852-53
Stock No. 243367
$1,000.00 Online price