Rare Railways Books
Displaying books 221 - 240 of 244 in total
New Self-acting Safety Railway Signal: Being the specification modus operandi utility &c. of a provisional patent filed in the Office of the Commissioners of Patents on the 2nd November 1861.
Published: 1861
Stock No. 169348
$85.00 Online price

$15.00 Online price

A.B.C. of L.M.S. Locomotives. 1943. Complete list of all L.M.S. engines in service.
Published: 1983
Stock No. 161513
$15.00 Online price

$30.00 Online price

The West Somerset Railway. A history in pictures with an account by C.R. Clinker.
Published: 1980
Stock No. 162558
$15.00 Online price

$20.00 Online price

The Scenic Railway and the Mountain Devil. Steepest incline railway in the world.
Published: 1920
Stock No. 154895
$15.00 Online price

Locomotives - Steam and Diesel Electric - Rail Cars and Rolling Stock.
Published: 1964
Stock No. 158647
$15.00 Online price

Serving Railway Executives and Railway Manufacturers of Australia and New Zealand. A Monthly Journal. Vol. 1: No. 1 - Vol. 9: No. 3.
Published: 1960
Stock No. 150427
$165.00 Online price