Rare Exploration Books
Displaying books 781 - 800 of 1599 in total
Patrolling in Papua. With an introd. by J.H.P. Murray Lieutenant Governor and Chief Judicial Officer of Papua. ...
Published: 1923
Stock No. 232300
$450.00 Online price

$45.00 Online price

Antarctic Photographs 1910-1916. Scott Mawson and Shackleton Expeditions. Foreword by Sir Vivian Fuchs. Introd. by Jennie Boddington.
Published: 1979
Stock No. 232289
$125.00 Online price

The Voyage of Charles Darwin. His autobiographical writings selected and arranged by C. Ralling.
Published: 1979
Stock No. 232148
$45.00 Online price

$300.00 Online price

Entdeckungs-Reise der franzsischen Corvette Astrolabe unternommen auf Befehl Knig Karls X. in den Jahren 1826 1827 1828 1829 von dem Schiffskapitn J. Dumont d'Urville. Aus dem Franzsischen mit einem lithographirten Atlas. Historischer Theil.
Published: 1836
Stock No. 232099
$4,500.00 Online price

Voyage pittoresque autour du monde: Resum gnral des voyages de dcouvertes de Magellan Tasman Dampier Anson Byron Wallis Carteret Bougainville Cook Laprouse G. Bligh Vancouver D'Entrecasteau Wilson Baudin Flinders.. etc. 2 vols.
Published: 1834
Stock No. 232098
$2,500.00 Online price

Historical note and description of the manuscript map in the Mitchell Library Sydney.
Published: 1948
Stock No. 232094
$40.00 Online price

$100.00 Online price

$40.00 Online price

Captain Cook and Hawaii. A Narrative by David Samwell. With Introduction by Sir Maurice Holmes.
Published: 1957
Stock No. 232045
$150.00 Online price

Tasmanian Insights: Essays in honour of Geoffrey Thomas Stilwell. Ed. by G. Winter.
Published: 1992
Stock No. 231976
$100.00 Online price

Drawings by William Westall Landscape artist on board H.M.S. Investigator during the circumnavigation of Australia by Captain Matthew Flinders R.N. in 1801-1813. Ed. by T.M. Perry and D.H. Simpson.
Published: 1962
Stock No. 231960
$300.00 Online price

Ludwig Becker: Artist and Naturalist with the Burke & Wills Expedition. Edited and with an introduction by M. Tipping.
Published: 1979
Stock No. 231915
$150.00 Online price

Voyage from France to Cochin-China in the ship "Henry" in the Years 1819 and 1820.
Published: 1821
Stock No. 231860
$85.00 Online price

Discoveries and Adventure in the Polar Seas and Regions. With a narrative of the Recent Expeditions in Search of Sir John Franklin.
Published: 1857
Stock No. 231835
$150.00 Online price