Rare Piracy Books
Displaying all 7 books
The Pirates' Priest: The Life of Pere Labat in the West Indies 1693-1705. By E. Young and K. Helweg-Larsen.
Published: 1965
Stock No. 218102
$45.00 Online price

The Burning of a Pirate Ship "La Trompeuse" in the harbour of St. Thomas July 31 1683. And other tales. (Also the case against Adolph Esmit Governor of St. Thomas 1682-1684 harbourer of pirates.).
Published: 1992
Stock No. 225417
$50.00 Online price

$150.00 Online price

Treasure Islands. The Fascinating World of Pirates Buried Treasure and Fortune Hunters.
Published: 1992
Stock No. 165857
$20.00 Online price