Rare Travel Books
Displaying books 1 - 20 of 407 in total
Narrative of the late victorious campaign in Afghanistan under General Pollock; with recollections of seven years' service in India.
Published: 1844
Stock No. 252426
$1,250.00 Online price

$75.00 Online price

No Man's Land: a history of Spitsbergen from its discovery in 1596 to the beginning of the scientific exploration ? Cambridge: At the University Press, 1906. 8vo. Orig. cloth. Gilt. (xii, 378pp.). With b/w illusts. & a folding map at the rear. This editio
Published: 1906
Stock No. 249424
$100.00 Online price

Allen's Illustrated Guide to Niagra. Revised and published by H. T. Allen.
Published: 1883
Stock No. 241110
$100.00 Online price

Bruck's Guide to the Health Resorts in Australia Tasmania and New Zealand...Introduction by R. Ian Jack. Index by Kylie Rees.
Published: 2002
Stock No. 238526
$45.00 Online price

$40.00 Online price

Catalogue of Valuable Printed Books and Fine Bindings from the Celebrated Library of Major J.R. Abbey: Pts. 1-6 in 6 vols. ...Sold by Auction by Messrs. Sotheby & Co.....June 1965-October 1970.
Published: 1965-1970
Stock No. 235453
$200.00 Online price