Blake W: Rare Books
Dearest Manx: The Letters of Christina Stead and William J. Blake. Ed. by M. Harris.
Published: 2005
Stock No. 205000
$30.00 Online price

A New Royal Authentic and Complete System of Universal Geography Antient and Modern: including All the late important Discoveries made by the English and other celebrated Navigators of various Nations in the different Hemispheres; And containing a
Published: circa 1790
Stock No. 243781
$3,500.00 Online price

William Blake's Designs for Edward Young's "Night Thoughts". A Complete Edition. Edited with commentary by J.E. Grant E.J. Rose M.J. Tolley and co-ordinating editor D.V. Erdmen. 2 vols. (complete and all published).
Published: 1980
Stock No. 248486
$300.00 Online price