Bordeaux: Rare Books
Guynemer Knight of the Air. Transl. from the French by L.M. Sill. With a prefatory letter from Rudyard Kipling.
Published: 1918
Stock No. 233043
$125.00 Online price

Les Grands Vins de Bordeaux: The Fine Wines of Bordeaux. Die Beruhmten Weine Von Bordeaux.
Published: 1980
Stock No. 163425
$20.00 Online price

Voyage from France to Cochin-China in the ship "Henry" in the Years 1819 and 1820.
Published: 1821
Stock No. 231860
$85.00 Online price

Georges Guynemer: Knight of the Air. Transl. by L.M. Sill. With an introd. by Theodore Roosevelt.
Published: 1918
Stock No. 233040
$50.00 Online price