Holden Robert: Rare Books
$40.00 Online price

May Gibbs and her fantasy world. An Exhibition by the James Hardie Library in the Royal Botanic Gardens Visitors Centre Sydney 30th November 1984-31st January 1985.
Published: 1984
Stock No. 221451
$35.00 Online price

Koalas Kangaroos and Kookaburras. 200 Australian Children's Books and Illustrations 1857-1988.
Published: c.1988
Stock No. 229487
$45.00 Online price

Picture the Koala. A light-hearted look at children's book illustrations. An exhibition curated by the James Hardie Library for the Power House Museum at The Mint September 1986-January 1987.
Published: 1986
Stock No. 212836
$35.00 Online price