James Henry: Rare Books
Henry James: Letters to A.C. Benson and Auguste Monod; now first published and edited with an introduction by E.F. Benson.
Published: 1930
Stock No. 130145
$15.00 Online price

Frazer Prize Essays on Agnosticism from a Moral and Spiritual point of view. By Veritas Vincit (i.e. H.T.B.) and Beta (i.e. James Milne).
Published: 1888
Stock No. 198240
$65.00 Online price

The Letters of Henry James. Selected and edit. by Percy Lubbock. 2 vols.
Published: 1920
Stock No. 202270
$55.00 Online price

Frazer Prize Essays on Agnosticism from a Moral and Spiritual point of view. By Veritas Vincit (i.e. H.T.B.) and Beta (i.e. James Milne).
Published: 1888
Stock No. 240931
$125.00 Online price