Jones A: Rare Books
The Stories Behind the Labels. The History Romance & Characters of the World of Wine and Drink.
Published: 1994
Stock No. 191568
$20.00 Online price

Augustus Earle: Travel Artist. Paintings and Drawings in the Rex Nan Kivell Collection National Library of Australia.
Published: 1980
Stock No. 208983
$60.00 Online price

History of Land Settlement in N.S.W. - Lecture delivered by T.W. Irish in 1922 and revised in 1950; TOGETHER WITH: Origin of Tenure under the Crown Lands Act - by A. R. Jones. ...
Published: 1950
Stock No. 221110
$50.00 Online price

Arnhem Land Music. Pt. II: A Musical Survey. (Being Extract from Oceania Journal Vol. 26: No. 4).
Published: 1956
Stock No. 241139
$55.00 Online price