Lawson H: Rare Books
Report by the Commissioner appointed for the purpose of distributing the State of Queensland into Electoral Divisions. Presented pursuant to Statue: Ordered by the House to be printed 7th June 1906.
Published: 1906
Stock No. 245513
$60.00 Online price

The Popular Science Review. A Quarterly Miscellany of Entertaining and Instructive Articles on Scientific Subjects. 14 (ex 15 ) vols.
Published: 1863-1876
Stock No. 192544
$250.00 Online price

Henry Lawson: (A 4pp. pamphlet issued by The Bulletin for the Book Collectors' Society of Australia being a brief biographical sketch).
Published: n.d.
Stock No. 211452
$50.00 Online price

Henry Lawson: A 4pp. printed leaflet being a condensed biographical sketch of 'Australia's greatest poet' published by The Bulletin in Sydney (circa 1950) for the Book Collectors Society of Australia.
Published: c.1950
Stock No. 219297
$100.00 Online price