Paine Daniel: Rare Books
The Journal of Daniel Paine 1794-1797. Together with documents illustrating the Beginning of Government Boat-Building and Timber-Gathering in New South Wales 1795-1805. Ed. by R.J.B. Knight and A. Frost.
Published: 1983
Stock No. 244792
$60.00 Online price

The Journal of Daniel Paine 1794-1797. Together with documents illustrating the Beginning of Government Boat-Building and Timber-Gathering in New South Wales 1795-1805. Ed. by R.J.B. Knight and A. Frost.
Published: 1983
Stock No. 213624
$75.00 Online price

The Journal of Daniel Paine 1794-1797. Together with documents illustrating the Beginning of Government Boat-Building and Timber-Gathering in New South Wales 1795-1805. Ed. by R.J.B. Knight and A. Frost.
Published: 1983
Stock No. 217372
$60.00 Online price