Ryan R J: Rare Books
Raiki Wara. Long Cloth from Aboriginal Australia and the Torres Strait.
Published: 1998
Stock No. 188280
$30.00 Online price

The Journal of Arthur Bowes Smyth: Surgeon 'Lady Penrhyn' 1787-1789.
Published: 1979
Stock No. 217156
$65.00 Online price

The Third Fleet Convicts. An alphabetical listing of names giving place and date of conviction length of sentence and ship of transportation.
Published: 1983
Stock No. 217897
$45.00 Online price

The First Fleeters: A comprehensive listing of convicts, marines, seamen, officers, wives, children and ships. With additional research by J. Cowell.
Published: 1981
Stock No. 242366
$45.00 Online price