Steele R: Rare Books
Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Sir Richard Steele soldier dramatist essayist and patriot: With his correspondence and notice of his contemporaries the wits and the statesmen of Queen Anne's time. 2 vols.
Published: 1865
Stock No. 200419
$65.00 Online price

$100.00 Online price

Richard Steele's Periodical Journalism 1714-16. The Lover The Reader Town-Talk in a Letter to a Lady in the Country Chit-Chat in a Letter to a Lady in the Country. Edited by R. Blanchard.
Published: 1959
Stock No. 208788
$60.00 Online price

Captain Steele. The Early Career of Richard Steele. By Calhoun Winton.
Published: 1964
Stock No. 208796
$40.00 Online price