Tench Watkin: Rare Books
Geschichte von Port Jackson in Neuholland von 1788 bis 1792. Nebst einer Beschreibung der Insel Norfolk mit ihren Anbaue in eben diesem Zeitraume. ...
Published: 1794
Stock No. 227268
$950.00 Online price

A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay; With an Account of New South Wales its productions inhabitants &c. To which is subjoined A List of the Civil and Military Establishments at Port Jackson. 2nd Edition.
Published: 1789
Stock No. 246689
$15,000.00 Online price

Voyages dans le pays de Hotten tots a la Coffrerie a la Baye Botanique et dans la Nouvelle Hollande. Traudis de l'Anglois acccompagnes de details precieux relatifs a M. de la Peyrouse.
Published: 1790
Stock No. 235952
$1,000.00 Online price