Thomas D: Rare Books
Dylan Thomas: The Legend and the Poet. A collection of biographical and critical essays. Ed. by E.W. Tedlock.
Published: 1960
Stock No. 236521
$45.00 Online price

The Arrow and the Lyre: A study of the role of Love in the works of Thomas Mann.
Published: 1955
Stock No. 163567
$25.00 Online price

$75.00 Online price

$15.00 Online price

The Life of Thomas Paine. With a history of his Literary Political and Religious Career in America France and England. To which is added a sketch of Paine by William Cobbett. 2 vols.
Published: 1892
Stock No. 207600
$175.00 Online price

$110.00 Online price

$45.00 Online price

Antipodean Vision. Australian Painting: Colonial Impressionist Contemporary.
Published: 1962
Stock No. 232573
$40.00 Online price